티스토리 뷰



skyground21 2024. 7. 2. 23:45

that is looking good.(아직 안 끝난경우 좋아보인다.)
that looks good.(이미 끝난 경우)

when i saw Luca the next day

i dont feel like studying.
i dont feel like meeting anyone.

how about we eat at McDonalds today?
how about this phone?

i use to play tennis. 예전에 쳤었는데 이제는 안한다라는 뜻이 추가
i played tennis. 예전에 쳤었다.

that one was tricky 그건 까다로웠습니다.

i got the train tickets. 기차표를 샀어.
i managed to get the train tickets. 기차표를 사기 어려웠는데 해냈어.

he ended up finding a job 예상치 않게 직장을 구했다.

i went to e-mart to buy vegetable. but i ended up buying soju.

before going home, i went to the market and bought ~~.
before drinking soju, i need to have some food.

i'm going to visit my friend in seoul this week.
i haven't been in seoul for ages.

when i get back home, i'm going to have dinner and watch TV.
I like watching nexflix in german. when i watch netflex in english, i feel like i' m wasting time.

i'm going to enlarge it and give to her when she gets back.확대해서 그녀가 돌아오면 주려고요.

i'm going to date with yoonha at this saturday.
and i'll ask her you missed me?

i managed to stick to my plan and study every morning last week.
i managed to finish 2 books last week.
i like reading books. i find it very relaxing. but it is not easy to find time.

i managed to get hers love.

i don't feel like working. but i have to save money.

i don't feel like cleaning my room. but i have to because my cat is very messy.
i don't feel like studying. but i have an important exam next month.

i was worried that i couldnt finish the project.
i was worried that i might fail the exam.
i was worried about the exam.

i was happy that my brother got a new job.
i was happy about my promotion.

before going home, i stop the market to buy somthing.

before going home, i'm going to meet a friend. i don't normally have time to meet anybody. but my friend has a big problem. so i want to help him.

i started studying english.
i started getting up early. i need to study english. english is not easy. but that is ok. my plane is to study together with a friend. together we can do it.


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