티스토리 뷰



skyground21 2024. 7. 10. 22:47

first day 5부

his face was very pale.
그의 얼굴이 매우 창백했다.

took a folder with papers
서류가 들어 있는 폴더를 들었다. 잡았다.

i was introduced to everybody.

1freeze  2froze  3frozen

Mr.Kim was frozen. 과거 수동태
mr.kim is frozen. 현재 수동태

mr.kim was just staring at the boss looking very scared.
mr.kim은 겁먹은 표정으로 사장님을 응시하고 있었다.

at the very back of the room 방의 가장 뒷쪽에
at the back 뒷쪽에

i was able to film. ~할 수 있었다.
i could film.

without anybody noticing. 아무도 알아채는것 없이, 아무도 모르게

he kept shouting  (과거형)
he keeps shouting (현재형)
he is keep shouting (틀린 문장이다)

onto the floor 바닥으로 (방향성이 있다.)

All we could hear wear the drops of rain tapping on the windows.
우리가 들을 수 있었던 유일한 것은 창문을 두드리는 빗방울 소리 였다.

After that, 그 후에
i couldn't concentrate on my work at all.
나는 내 일을 하나도 집중할 수 없었다.
i wasn't able to concntrate ~~.

the stress had given him stomach unlers.
스트레스는 그에게 위궤양을 줬다.
스트레스로  위궤양이 생겼다.

one of them 그 중에 하나
one of my friends 내 친구중에 한명
one of the biggest companies in korea. 한국에서 가장 큰 회사 중에 하나

i can't afford to lose my job now.  afford 여유, 형편
i can't lose my job now.

my friend who is a laywer. 변호사인 내 친구

i have a friend who lives in seoul.
i have a friend who works for samsung
i have a friend who likes movies.
i have a friend who is a doctor/ works as a doctor.
i have a friend who has 5 cats.

i have a friend. he lives in seoul.
> i have a friend who lives in seoul.
i have a cat. she likes 추루.
>  i have a cat who likes 추루.

get out of 어디에서 빠져나오다.

we filed a complaint against the boss.
우리가 사장을 고소했다.

to ensure safty 안전을 위해

the new office is on the other side of the city.
새 사무실은 도시의 그 반대편에 있다.

next week we are going to treat my lawer friend to a nice dinner.


'런던쌤' 카테고리의 다른 글

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