first day 5부 his face was very pale. 그의 얼굴이 매우 창백했다. took a folder with papers 서류가 들어 있는 폴더를 들었다. 잡았다. 수동태 i was introduced to everybody. 1freeze 2froze 3frozen Mr.Kim was frozen. 과거 수동태 is frozen. 현재 수동태 was just staring at the boss looking very scared. mr.kim은 겁먹은 표정으로 사장님을 응시하고 있었다. at the very back of the room 방의 가장 뒷쪽에 at the back 뒷쪽에 i was able to film. ~할 수 있었다. i could film..
first day 4부 i find it very meaningful. i think it very meaningful. i think english is difficult. 영어는 어렵다고 나는 생각한다.(영어는 나 뿐 아니라 일반적인 면에서, 일반적인 관점에서, 다른 사람 관점에서도 나는 어렵다고 생각한다.) i find english is difficult. 영어는 내 입장에서 너무 어렵다고 나는 생각한다. though는 문단 앞에 but을 붙이는 의미도 있다. the working environment is quite stressfull though. anger issues 분노조절장애 he was furious. 그는 아주 화가 났었다. 그는 분노했다. his face went red. his .. into be 동사는 상태유지 상태가되다 i am into playing the piano. 피아노 치는데 관심이 있는 상태이다. 2. got into 관심이 생겼다. 여기서 get 동사는 얻다가 아니라 상태변화를 뜻한다. 3. got me into 어떤것이 나를 괸심이 생기게 만들었다. Her passion got me into figure skating 4. talk me into 설득하다/꼬시다 i got into swimming this summer. she is not into you. just let it go already! that movie got me into filming videos. she talk me into joinning the tennis club. i've be..
first day 3부 ever since 그 이후로부터 계속 it's been very stressfull. 현재완료 과거부터 쭉 it was very stressfull. 과거 work with 누구랑 같이 일한다. work for 누구를 위해 일한다. there is a lot of 명사. there is a lot of studying going on. it's hard for me to focus on my work. it's difficult to concentrate. it's easy to meet new people. i don't feel like doing anything. i don't want to~~와 비슷 i feel like quitting. i want to quit. i ..
first day 2부 the boss said "i need a stapler." 직접화법 the boss said he needed a stapler. 간접화법 one of my friends one of the best schools in Korea. i didn't know what to think. 어떻게 생각해야 할지 몰랐어요. i didn't know what to study. i didn't know where to eat. i didn't know where i could buy tickets. i couldn't decide what to study. my friend asked me what to study. my teacher told me what to study. make a m..
have to 해야한다 supposed to 권장, 기대 should i was supposed to meet my boss at subway station at 9 am. snowflakes on 위에 onto 위로 my cat is on the table. my cat jumped onto the table. pavement=sidewalk인도 my boss called saying he had had a meeting. my boss called and he was saying that he had had a meeting. in into he is in the building. he take me into the building. 수동태 i was intoduced. we were 다음에 동사의 ..
I feel like 1. I feel like that's not entirely true. 2. I feel like reading is so underrated. 3. Is it just me? I feel like it's going to rain today. 4. I feel like he's such a liar. His story just doesn't add up. 5. Gosh, I did something wrong again. I feel like I keep failing my mom.
i used to play tennis.나는 테니스를 쳤다(그러나 지금은 안쳐) i played tennis.나는 테니스를 쳤다 place to live place to eat time to study it takes me 10 minutes to clean my room. i always listen german audio while i do the dishes. don't text while driving. i am finding it hard. 나는 그것이 너무 어렵다고 느껴진다. i find it hard. i feel is is hard. when i got home, i had dinner and then i watched Neflix. it's difficult to ~하기 어렵다. it's..
that is looking good.(아직 안 끝난경우 좋아보인다.) that looks good.(이미 끝난 경우) when i saw Luca the next day i dont feel like studying. i dont feel like meeting anyone. how about we eat at McDonalds today? how about this phone? i use to play tennis. 예전에 쳤었는데 이제는 안한다라는 뜻이 추가 i played tennis. 예전에 쳤었다. that one was tricky 그건 까다로웠습니다. i got the train tickets. 기차표를 샀어. i managed to get the train tickets. 기차표를 사기 ..