티스토리 뷰



skyground21 2024. 8. 14. 20:46

even though 그럼에도 불구하고

Even though i was angry with my boss, I said nothing.
Even though I had a cold, i went to work.

get it done. 완료했다. 끝냈다.

close of business. 업무종료

my concentration was broken by some noise
(that was) coming from outside.
내 집중력이 바깥으로 부터 들어오는 어떤 소음으로 인해 깨졌다.

smashed . 부서졌다.

hope 가능성 있는 바람
wish 가능성 없는  바람

I hope he is OK
I wish he was OK (한단계 과거로 된다)

one of them
two of them
five of the participants 참가자 중의 다섯 명

aggrassive 공격적인

hallway 복도
at the end of year

i started studying
i started cleaning my room
he started singing


'런던쌤' 카테고리의 다른 글

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day16  (0) 2024.08.15
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